Youth Evangelism Conference
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Youth classes for grades 5th - 8th and 9th - 12th meet each Sunday at 9:45 am in the Life Center. It’s more than showing up on Sunday. It’s more than knowing the right answers. Discipleship is about becoming more like Jesus, both individually and in community. Bible Studies for Life: Students is designed to help students relate to God’s Word and connect with each other, no matter where they are on their spiritual journeys.
Sunday Nights 6:00 pm for grades 5th and up meet for Creative Kids 4 Christ - Ministry emphasis is on learning about Southern Baptist Mission work and exploring ways to spread the Gospel; we will also participate in some service projects.
Wednesday Nights 6:30 pm Youth grades 9th - 12th meet for a time of devotion, music, mission projects and activities.
Our youth (grades 5th - 12th) attend camps during the summer each year. The camps are fun sports oriented Christian camps and/or mission related project camps. Summer Camps & Mission Camps are posted in our Church Calendar page (when dates are scheduled).
Youth are encouraged to join the Youth Choir/Praise Team and the Youth Hand Chimes Choir, under the direction of Jeanie Nanney.